Legal Notice

The present is a legal notice that also regulates the conditions of use that must be regarded and complied with by the users of this website. We kindly ask you to read it carefully since the fact of accessing it implies that you have read and accept the conditions that follow without any reservation.

1. Information in accordance with the LSSI

For the purposes of art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, “Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio electrónico”, we inform the users of the website that the owner of the website is the company GALGO MEDICAL, S.L. with registered office at Rambla Catalunya, 53-55, 4º H, 08007, Barcelona,with NIF no. B-66.090.127 and whose registration data are as follows: Registered in the “Registro Mercantil de Barcelona”,Volume 43.897, Folio 45, Sheet B-441.279, Inscription 1. Phone number: 93 328 39 64. E-mail:

2. Terms of use of the website

The user undertakes to make diligent use of the website and the services accessible from it and not to use the services or information contained on the website to develop activities that go against the law, morals, good customs or public order, and, in general, to make use in accordance with this legal notice.

GALGO may, according to its good judgment, temporarily or permanently interrupt access to the website, as well as the provision of any or all of the services provided through it at any time and without prior notice.

Likewise, GALGO reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the web portal to any user who fails to comply with the conditions of use established in this legal notice, all without prior notice.

In the event that GALGO provides through this website any type of special service or carries out any promotion or special offer, the specific conditions that regulate it will be established in the same, and their application will prevail over the conditions of use and other provisions established in this Legal Notice, in case of inconsistency or incompatibility between the two.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

GALGO is the owner or licensee, where appropriate, of the intellectual and industrial property rights of all the contents of this website, including description of products, services, text, images, photographs, trademarks, logos, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, which are protected by Spanish and international laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property.

In no case does the access to this website imply any type of waiver, transfer or total or partial cession of the rights granted by the Spanish and international legislation on Intellectual and Industrial Property.

It is forbidden to realize the reproduction, copying, use, distribution, reuse, exploitation, creation of second copies, sending by mail, transmission, modification, assignment or any other act that is done with the whole or part of the information contained in this web portal that has not been formally and explicitly authorized by GALGO.

The user undertakes to use the contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, to refrain from deleting, evading or manipulating the copyright notice and other identifying data of the rights of GALGO or its owners incorporated into the content, as well as technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be included in the contents. Also, the user will refrain from using the contents and, in particular, the information of any kind obtained through the website to send advertising, communications for commercial purposes, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, as well as to market or disclose in any way said information.

The website corresponds to a domain registered by GALGO and can not be used, unless expressly authorized in advance, in connection with other services that are not from GALGO in any way that could cause confusion among its customers or discredit of GALGO.

In this sense, those people who wish to establish a hyperlink between their website and this website must obtain the express written authorization of GALGO, without implying a relationship between GALGO and the owner of the page in the that the link is established, nor the approval or acceptance by GALGO of its contents or services.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out, without the prior consent of GALGO, any manipulation or alteration of this website. Consequently, GALGO will not assume any responsibility derived, or that could derive, from said alteration or manipulation by third parties.

4. Limitation of liability

GALGO rejects all responsibility for any decision taken by the user as a result of the information contained in this website.

Likewise, GALGO rejects all responsibility for any information not elaborated or not published in a manner authorized by it under its name, as well as the liability arising from the misuse of the contents, and reserves the right to update, delete, limit or temporarily or permanently prevent access to it.

Despite taking all the necessary precautions to provide accurate and current information on our website, GALGO can not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of all the information provided, nor the absence of errors or omissions. The user must be aware that the information to which they have access is provided under the conditions detailed in this Legal Notice, without any guarantee that they are accurate and up-to-date.

Likewise, GALGO can not guarantee the continuity of the operation of the website, nor that it is at all times operational and available. Likewise, GALGO is not liable for direct or indirect damages, including damage to computer systems and the infiltration of viruses existing in the network, derived from Internet browsing necessary for the use of this website.

5. Obligation of responsibility

The user will be liable for any damages that GALGO may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations determined in this Legal Notice.

Regarding browsing, the user undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe the recommendations that GALGO establishes at the time relating to the use of the website and that will be published in it.

6. Privacy

While browsing this website, the user must not provide any type of personal data. In accordance with the terms described in its “PRIVACY POLICY“, in the event that in the future personal data are collected or processed through this website, the privacy policy will inform users of the right of information collected in article 5 of the current Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, being incorporated into this Legal Notice by reference from this section.

7. Duration and Modification

GALGO will have the right to unilaterally, totally or partially, modify the terms and conditions stipulated here.

The temporary validity of this Legal Notice coincides, therefore, with the time of its presentation, until it is totally or partially modified by GALGO.

GALGO may terminate, suspend or interrupt unilaterally the operation of this website, without the possibility of requesting any compensation from the user.

8. Legislation and Jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish legislation.

Users and GALGO, expressly waiving their jurisdiction, submit all interpretations or conflicts that may arise derived from this Legal Notice to the courts of the city of Barcelona (Spain).

Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereafter, “GDPR”), and the Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, “LOPDyDD”) we inform you below of our data protection policy.

  1. Data Controller details
Company name:GALGO MEDICAL, SL (“Galgo”)
ID number:B66090127
Postal address:Rambla Catalunya, 53-55, 4º H, 08007 Barcelona
Phone:(+34) 93 328 39 64 
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO)
  1. Purpose, legitimacy of processing and period of data retention

Below you will find a table identifying the purpose of the processing of your personal data, i.e. the reason why Galgo processes your personal data, the legal basis that allows the processing for the indicated purpose and the period of conservation of your data.

Response to a contact request from a user..Legitimate interest in responding to contact requests received through the web.Until the issue that prompted you to fill in the form has been resolved.
Manage the access to the information of use section and the provision of documentation, including the user manual, to customers and users.

Clients: The execution of the contract formalised with Galgo.

Users: Unambiguous consent of the data subject. 

Clients: The personal data provided will be kept for as long as there is a contractual relationship with Galgo.

Users: When you expressly inform us that you no longer wish to have access to the user portal.

Management, where appropriate, of your rights as a data subject.Compliance with a legal obligation applicable to Galgo.For the time necessary to resolve requests and/or complaints.

In the event that Galgo processes your personal data for a purpose other than that listed in the table above, Galgo will inform you prior to the processing about the purpose of the same and will provide you with any other additional relevant information in accordance with the applicable legislation, as well as requesting, where appropriate, your consent, if this is necessary to justify legitimate processing.

We also inform you that, apart from the aforementioned retention periods, we will retain your data during the mandatory limitation periods in order to comply with our legal obligations and for the management of our rights (to file or defend, where appropriate, a claim), also applying the provisions of the corporate regulations on archiving and documentation retention periods.

  1. Recipients of the personal data: assignees and data processors

We inform you that your personal data will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally obligated to do so.

Additionally, we inform you that, in certain cases, we may communicate your data to other entities (including companies of the group), in their capacity as data processors of the data owned by Galgo Medical, SL, and in accordance with the provisions of article 28 GDPR, a contract has been formalized which legitimizes the access of these entities to the personal data and which includes the obligations that shall be contemplated in the processing. 

Data processing carried out outside the territory of the European Union are carried out on the basis of an adequacy decision (third country or international organisation guaranteeing an adequate level of protection) or by means of appropriate safeguards (standard data protection clauses, binding corporate rules). This information is available to data subjects who may request a copy of it by sending an e-mail to the DPO contact address. 

  1. Data subject rights 

We hereby inform you that, in relation to the processing of your personal data, you have the right:

  • To obtain confirmation as to whether or not Galgo is processing personal data concerning you.
  • To request access, rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data and, where appropriate, deletion of your data when, among other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • In certain circumstances, you may:
    • request the restriction of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defence of claims.
    • on grounds relating to your particular situation, object to the processing of your data, in which case we will no longer process them, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or for the exercise or defence of any claims.
  • To receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form and to transmit it to another data controller without being prevented from doing so by us. In this regard, you may request that we transmit your personal data directly, if technically feasible, to the data controller indicated in your communication.
  • To withdraw your consent, if you have given your consent for a specific purpose. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

You may exercise your rights at any time and free of charge, by sending an email to digitally signed (electronic ID or other recognised certificate), or through a written communication addressed to Galgo Medical, SL, with address for data protection processing purposes, at 08007 Barcelona, Rambla Catalunya, 53-55, 4º H (Ref. RGPD). The content of the request must include: your name and surname(s); a photocopy of your national identity card, passport or other valid document that identifies you and, if necessary, of the person representing you, as well as the document or electronic instrument accrediting such representation; details of the request being made; address for notification purposes; date and signature of the applicant; and documents accrediting the request being made, if necessary.

If you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the applicable regulations or you are simply not satisfied with the exercise of your rights, you have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, through any of the following channels: (i) by telephone on +34 901 100 099, or +34 912 663 517; (ii) by electronic means, by going to the website; (iii) in person by going to calle Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid.

Cookies Policy

Cookies policy

Third-party and own cookies are used on this website to ensure that you have a better browsing experience, you can share content on social networks and so that we can obtain user statistics.

You can prevent the download of cookies through your browser settings, preventing cookies from being stored on your device.

As owners of this website, we inform you that we do not use any personal information from cookies, we only make general statistics of visits that do not involve any personal information.

It is very important that you read this cookie policy and understand that, if you continue browsing, we will consider that you accept its use.

According to the terms included in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, if you continue browsing, you will be giving your consent for the use of the aforementioned mechanisms.


Responsible Entity

The entity responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data, in the sense established by the Personal Data Protection Law, is the Galgo Medical page, owned by GALGO MEDICAL, SL – Rambla Catalunya, 53-55, 4º H, 08007 Barcelona.

What are cookies?

Cookies are a set of data that a server deposits in the user’s browser to collect standard Internet registration information and information on the behavior of visitors to a website. In other words, they are small text files that are stored on the computer’s hard drive and that serve to identify the user when they connect to the website again. Its purpose is to record the user’s visit and save certain information. Its use is common and frequent on the web as it allows pages to function more efficiently and achieve greater personalization and analysis of user behavior.

What types of cookies exist?

The cookies used on our website are session and third-party cookies, and allow us to store and access information related to the language, the type of browser used, and other general characteristics predefined by the user, as well as to monitor and analyze the activity carried out, in order to introduce improvements and provide our services in a more efficient and personalized way.

Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be divided into session or permanent cookies:

  • Those that expire when the user closes the browser. 
  • Those that expire depending on when the objective for which they serve is fulfilled (for example, so that the user remains identified in the services of GALGO MEDICAL, SL) or when they are manually deleted.







Third-party (Google Analytics)

2 years

It is used to distinguish users and sessions.

Not exempt


Third-party (Google Analytics)

30 minutes

Used to determine new sessions or visits

Not exempt


Third-party (Google Analytics)

At the end of the session

Configured for use with Urchin

Not exempt


Third-party (Google Analytics)

6 months

Stores the origin or the campaign that explains how the user has reached the web page

Not exempt

Additionally, depending on their purpose, cookies can be classified as follows:

Performance cookies

This type of Cookie remembers your preferences for the tools found in the services, so you do not have to reconfigure the service each time you visit. By way of example, this typology includes: Volume adjustments of video or sound players. The video transmission speeds that are compatible with your browser. Objects stored in the “shopping cart” in e-commerce services such as stores.

Geo-location cookies

These cookies are used to find out which country you are in when a service is requested. This cookie is completely anonymous, and is only used to help target content to your location.

Registration cookies

Registration cookies are generated once the user has registered or subsequently opened his session, and are used to identify him in the services with the following objectives:

Keep the user identified in such a way that, if he closes a service, the browser or the computer and at another time or another day re-enters said service, he will continue to be identified, thus facilitating his navigation without having to identify himself again. This functionality can be suppressed if the user presses the [close session] functionality, so that this cookie is deleted and the next time the user enters the service, they will have to log in to be identified.

Check if the user is authorized to access certain services, for example, to participate in a contest.

Additionally, some services may use connectors with social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. When the user registers in a service with credentials from a social network, he authorizes the social network to store a persistent Cookie that remembers his identity and grants him access to the services until it expires. The user can delete this Cookie and revoke access to services through social networks by updating their preferences in the specific social network.

Analytics cookies

Every time a user visits a service, a tool from an external provider generates an analytical cookie on the user’s computer. This cookie, which is only generated during the visit, will serve in future visits to the services of GALGO MEDICAL, SL to anonymously identify the visitor. The main objectives pursued are:

Allow the anonymous identification of browsing users through the cookie (identifies browsers and devices, not people) and therefore the approximate accounting of the number of visitors and their trend over time.

Anonymously identify the most visited content and therefore more attractive to users Know if the user who is accessing is new or repeat visit.

Important: Unless the user decides to register for a GALGO MEDICAL, SL service, the cookie will never be associated with any personal data that can identify them. These cookies will only be used for statistical purposes that help optimize the user experience on the site.

Advertising cookies

This type of cookie allows expanding the information of the advertisements shown to each anonymous user in the services of GALGO MEDICAL, SL. Among others, the duration or frequency of display of advertising positions, the interaction with them, or the browsing patterns and/or user behaviors are stored, since they help to form a profile of advertising interest. In this way, they allow us to offer advertising related to the user’s interests.

Third-party advertising cookies

In addition to the advertising managed by the GALGO MEDICAL, SL websites in its services, the GALGO MEDICAL, SL websites offer their advertisers the option of serving ads through third parties (“Ad-Servers”). In this way, these third parties can store cookies sent from the services of GALGO MEDICAL, SL from the users’ browsers, as well as access the data stored in them.

The companies that generate these cookies have their own privacy policies. Currently, the GALGO MEDICAL, SL websites use the Doubleclick (Google) platform to manage these services. For more information, go to and


How can I disable cookies in my browser?

The different browsers can be configured to notify the user of the reception of cookies and, if desired, prevent their installation on the computer. Likewise, the user can check in his browser what cookies he has installed and what is their expiration period, being able to eliminate them.

For further information, consult the instructions and manuals of your browser:

For more information about managing cookies in Google Chrome:

For more information about managing cookies in Internet Explorer:

For more information on the management of cookies in Mozilla Firefox:

For more information about managing cookies in Safari:

For more information about managing cookies in Opera:

If you want to stop being tracked by Google Analytics visit:

More information about cookies

You can obtain more information about online advertising based on behavior and online privacy at the following link:

Google Analytics data protection:

How Google Analytics uses cookies:

Updates and changes in the privacy policy/cookies policy

The websites of GALGO MEDICAL, SL may modify this Cookies Policy based on legislative or regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, therefore users are advised to visit it periodically.

When significant changes occur in this Cookies Policy, these will be communicated to users either through the web or through email to registered users.